Other Folks’ Material

Boots On The Line by Stephen Lewis

“Boots on the line: walking 1000 miles of Britain’s dismantled railways” is a wonderful book that I would like to enthusiastically recommend to anyone interested in the subject.

Printed in 2007, it is a detailed 364 page document spanning 6 years of a couple of guys who set out to walk some of the most beautiful old lines in the country. Although it is at pains not to be a picture book, there are numerous photographs taken by the author along the way.

Apart from being articulately written and humorous, the approacn of these chaps to the job was very much “right to ramble” rather than seeking permission, which is always more interesting ! What is most impressive of all is the attention to detail describing what there is to see.

The book costs £15 + £2.50 for post and packing.

Should you wish to contact the man and purchase a copy, you can get him on the following email address:


He also now has a website www.truetotheline.co.uk which will tell you more than I can and has numerous links and references to numerous other related sites of interest, well worth a visit.

I am hoping to include a picture of it here soon, but haven’t yet mastered the technology.

Guildford Foxenden Quarry Deep Shelter Tour 2007

A fascinating tour through this huge wartime shelter with quite a bit of informative commentary provided by the tour guide. Built to provide shelter for over 1000 people, this subterranean secret gets a public airing every so often on a Heritage Day, as was the case when this footage was filmed.

Film maker: Philip Hutchinson
Running time: 35 minutes. Price: £5