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172 entries.
Dave Dave from The Internet wrote on 6 February 2008 at 11:47 pm
Chris Thanks very much, just watched it. Fascinating stuff, well done. Really enjoyed it. I will definately have some of your other films. I'll have to make a decision which to get next. Thanks again Dave
Heather Heather from The Internet wrote on 6 February 2008 at 11:44 pm
Hi Just wanted to day how delighted I am with the DVD bringing back many memories of when we lived in Ashurst Wood (between EG and F Row) and rode our (now sadly long gone) horses along the railway line from East Grinstead to Hartfield. I managed to get a permissive route opened which came onto the railway line on the LHS just past the 2nd bridge from Forest Row - you can see the gate on the DVD! Also managed to get the council to surface the track from the top of the first bridge from EG down to the railway line as all the horses left their shoes behind in the thick mud! A great DVD - many thanks. Heather
Scooby Scooby from The Internet wrote on 16 January 2008 at 7:24 pm
Now I have read all your descriptions, I can say that I managed to get to see Mayfield station (The road bridge was missing just to the south, so I went up the bank.). The funniest thing was the station (can't remember the name, but think it was last one before Eridge.)which had a swimming pool between the platforms! (seen by climbing the bank left after another demolished road bridge to the south.) It was from here heading North that I lost the track. After wandering for ages through forest (on the road!)I came to the main Tunbridge to Eridge road. Of course I turned Right, the wrong way! so ended up in Tunbridge. All of my track bashing was on foot. I used Railway Rover tickets, and tried to "bridge" between used bits, such as Polgate to Eridge. I have also covered the Kent and East Sussex railway from Robertsbridge to Tenterden (How I got home is a LONG story! No Buses!) All my trips were a LONG time ago (The K&ESR wasn't working to Bodiam yet, and it was a wonderful place, a pity I didn't have a camera...No Digital cameras then!) OK, must have been the mid to late 1970s! (Yes, I have "done" the whole length of Kemp Town Tunnel (and been inside the old junction Signal Box!). Was the shuttering still up where they blocked up the door that was left when the Lewes Road end was blocked up? I actually had a section (Corner Gusset Plate)of the girder span from Lewes Road viaduct (put in after Bomb damage)which I carried home when it was being cut up. (I had to get rid of my collection of rail, chairs, bit of viaduct etc. to the scrappy by the viaduct when I moved home!) So, you are not alone in being a little crazy!
Scooby Scooby from The Internet wrote on 16 January 2008 at 6:44 pm
Well, well. I used to live in Brighton, and reckon I must have covered pretty much the same ground, walking the old railways. For some time our house fire was fuelled from a huge pile of coal that was left in the coal yard at Isfield Station (Lavender's yard.) I too have scrambled down and up the Dyke Steep Grade Railway, and found the concrete supports for the Cableway. Also followed most of the Dyke branch up from Aldrington. I got a bit lost following the Polgate to Eridge line, it all got a bit overgrown with Gorse (ouch) Nort of Heathfield Tunnel! I will have to read the rest of your descriptions!
HST Nick HST Nick from The Internet wrote on 7 January 2008 at 7:19 pm
As a train driver myself, there's some fabulous sounding titles here, sir! Great website too!! I shall be placing my order very soon once I can afford 1 of everything!!Extra interest as we live next to Shoreham Cement Works!
Brian the railway sleeper Brian the railway sleeper from The Internet wrote on 2 January 2008 at 10:38 pm
Loved the dvds, will be back for more soon.
mark mark from The Internet wrote on 15 December 2007 at 2:16 pm
Wonderful site have 1 of your dvds long may it continue
Brian George Brian George from The Internet wrote on 18 September 2007 at 9:51 pm
Would be really interesting if you could get over to the Lyme Regis to Axminster branch and do that one. Also the Sidmouth and Budleigh Salterton branches.
Chris Chris from The Internet wrote on 6 September 2007 at 1:13 pm
Can recommend the Three Bridges to East Grinstead DVD to everyone.
andy andy from The Internet wrote on 5 September 2007 at 2:53 pm
well done chaps youve done what i always wanted to do - ive traced the dyke railway and kemp town with digital photos many years ago - it all started with me poorly filming the brighton bypass and taking photos when i was 21 - now 38. well done for your work - im going to start purchasing.
Cock Cock from The Internet wrote on 23 May 2007 at 4:45 pm
Looking tasty Dumpan. Could make a career out of this.....
Nick Wenham aka dal-matian (eBay ID) Nick Wenham aka dal-matian (eBay ID) from The Internet wrote on 1 May 2007 at 12:00 am
Thanks for the Abandoned Railways of Sussex DVD. Absolutely brilliant! Now if you ever want to do Kent......