170 entries.
Hi Chris, This DVD is Gr8, Well worth waitin for! Thanks for New version of Shanklin to Ventnor, you're right the extra footage is Brilliant. Cheers too for letting me keep the old version. Will be back for more soon! Kind Regards, Jeanette.
Thank you so much for sending the DVD on the Kemp Town Railway, along with the other information you have loaned to us. I shared your film with 45 Year 4 children and they loved it! They were particularly excited to see so much of our school's surrounding on the video (who knew Sainsbury's was so exciting!!). After watching the film, we went up to the Patch to source out where the tunnel began. Thank you so much for contributing to their learning. They think you are a star (and so do I). Many many thanks Mr. Bedford.
Thank you so much for sending us the film and maps and books! We learned alot from the film! Have a wonderful Easter and thank you again. Puffin Class
Thank you for sending us the old maps and the books. You helped us learn a lot from your DVD about the Kemp Town Railway. We enjoyed your film a lot and it made us all think about what we are learning about - The History of Brighton. We hope you enjoyed making the DVD because we enjoyed watching it. You are a very kind man. I (we) think you are a better teacher than Miss Linney! Check your post! Pelicans Class - Year 4
Just receaved the DVD i ordered on the Rye & Camber railway i am extremely pleased with this superb DVD The maker of the DVD has a very good knolledge of his subject and gives a great comentry on it, this is the first DVD that i have brought from him at a great price and will be bying more. 100% must have for anyone who has an iterest in railways or just likes british history. I wonder if in the futur a DVD will be made about the Elham Valley railway line from Folkestone to canterbury of which i have walked my self in some parts and of which i have a particuler interest in Many thanks from Paul in Folkestone
Thrilled with my purchase,grew up in Sussex ,Brighton,Hassocks and Poynings,was interested then in the railway up to the Dyke,spent hours in the brambles,thought it was just me ! You would be intrested in the Teign Valley line here in Devon,still all the tunnels and bridges,and the stations,from Newton Abbot,through Chudleigh to Moretonhampstead. Many Thanks,RH.
I stumbled across you via ebay. my mum used to use the Yelverton station and adjoining lines as a matter of course. i sneaked her back there the other day - first time she had been there since 1956. she was knocked out by going back. have found bunch of stills on line from pretty much same place on th platform showing how the platform has decayed over time. I sooooo want to go on the platform and take an up to date shot - I teach biology in Plymouth and this is the PERFECT example of succession - how, if left alone, plants will reclaim what is theirs. I love your site. PS my father worked for BR all his life. David.
Thanks for the DVDs. Received the day after posting. Only had a chance to view 5 mins so far but will let you have further feedback when I've watched a bit more! Kind regards, Steve
As a train driver who drives all over the south and is constantly seeing traces of all the disused railway lines that once graced the southern area I find Chris`s dvd`s an excellent way of learning all about there history,what shines through also is Chris`s humour,no stone is left unturned,I cant recommend these dvd`s high enough,his knowledge of the railway lines is outstanding.Thanks for many hours of enjoyment watch them
Hardham Canal dvd. Really interesting stuff, as always.Your knowledge amazes me. It wont be long before the mouth of the tunnel collapses, by the looks of it, so well done for documenting it before it does!
Just finished watching the Uckfield to Lewes dvd's. Very interesting footage. Really felt for you when those guns were going off and for climbing under that bridge! Never mind the endless treks to go and retrieve your car! well done you. Great stuff, especially the bridges around Hamsey. Really enjoyed watching it.
Offham Chalk Pits DVD: Never realised all that was there! I would like to go and check it out. Is it easily accessible? didn't look like it to me! Thanks, great DVD as always.
I really recommend you ask for a copy of Dumpman's demo disc. A great taster of what films are on offer. Even if you're not into trains but just like to see evidence of times gone by. Little snippets of history which will be priceless in years to come. Great commentary by Dumpman too. My favourites so far has to be the Daddy Long Legs dvd and the Kemp Town railway line. Brilliant stuff, keep it up Dumpman!!
Hi Chris Many thanks for forwarding the clip – was great to see a bit of Bexhill history (just wish that viaduct at Crowhurst was still standing today). As always I’ve really enjoyed your Midhurst to Petersfield film. I will see that area in a different way next time I’m on the A272. It seems hard to believe that Midhurst was such a railway centre with three lines converging on it. I haven’t had a chance to view the Jack windmill DVD yet but will do so soon. Don’t ever give up – your unique films have given hours of pleasure and are a great way to relax after a stressful day’s work. Best regards C
I remember walking up to Ingrator Halt from Eggworthy Farm, on the edge of Sampford Spiney then owned by the Campbells. My recollection was that it was just a wooden platform with a wooden hut. The bridges were deliberately destroyed at the time the railway was dismantled - I think to sell the stone, but I was only 14 when the last train ran, and lived in Horrabridge. We were so happy when the mast was built at North Hessary Tor - we could not get a decent TV signal until then. The land round Ingra Tor had a most wonderful variety of lichens. I always regretted not having taken the train ride, but the last time it ran was when I was away at school. I'm following your route with Google Earth open to see how the old route criss-crossed the later one. I wonder whether you have seen the 'Yelverton to Princetown Rails across the Moor' DVD issued by Aarchive. It shows the railway as it was, but I always wondered what it would look like now, 50 odd years later. so your DVD has been a great help to me.
Loved the Jack windmill DVD. Highly recommend it. Amazing to see the remains of Duncton Mill next to Jack. Nice one Dumpman!
Hi Chris, thank you for the Clayton Tunnel Cottage dvd, which I enjoyed. Another obscure place (although a lot smaller) is the loft above Bexhill West station. (I know you do a video of the branch line - I'm not in the market for a copy just at present but maybe in future). Anyway, years ago now (late 1970's) when the old station was in use for painting theatrical scenery, I was able to have a look in the loft. It is just as impressive and well built as the rest of the station, including a very substantial catwalk across to the clock tower. Best of all, beside the clock mechanism, there are a load of signatures of all the railway staff who got sent up there to wind the clock. Just thought I would let you know about it as it seemed to be very much your sort of thing! The station building is empty at present, waiting for a new tenant. By the way, there are some good photos of the Bexhill West line on the JJ Smith section of the photographic archive on the Bluebell Railway Museum website.
Hi Chris..Nice to hear from you..I threw the Chair down an embankment near to West Grinstead Station. I or should I say myself and another chap (The Contractor) took all the chairs up from Southwater Station to Partridge green Stations Bridge only..There was a Track gang about 200 yards ahead of us taking up the track and another gang that was about a mile behind us taking up the sleepers.. Maybe the chair that you found is the same one and just maybe someone else found it and carried it to where you found it and couldnt carry it any longer being as they weigh almsost half a hundredweight.. I do know that the date was welded on and a not part of the actual casting process. I have only at present watched the dvd up to West Grinstead Station which I thoroughly enjoyed as memories of myself looking out of the window at that Station are still vivid of the old black steam train itself...Thanks for writing as I have great interest not only in Railways but just about everything Regards Stan.
i love your films very intresting , i have walked and explored alot of these places too , and there si loads mor ei want to see pls keep up teh good work
If you want to branch out onto the water then how about the Ouse navigation which ends right under the Ouse Valley Viaduct at 1 end and Newhaven harbour at the other. The navigation has never been officially abandoned and there are plenty of interesting things to see. The navigation passes right by Sheffield Park station and through the area known as Barcombe mills. You get a whole new perspective filming from the river. Keep the filming up. Redshirt