170 entries.
Brilliant films! Bought them for my Husband's Christmas present and have enjoyed "checking" them all.
Thanks so much , the West Pier dvd was fantastic and brought back memories of my visit on the old lady but wasn't allowed to visit the main pavilion as they said it was too dangerous and your so lucky to have been allowed and actually walk on the actual floor and go upstairs on the balcony , many thanks , Michael
Chris, just finished watching Shanklin to Ventnor. Excellent! Loved the bit when you went into that building in Wroxall and found bits of platform on the floor! I also loved seeing the North portal and the bit where you're above the tunnel on the Downs. Always wanted to do that since I was a kid on holiday there! The tunnel walk video at the end is also great -- well done for getting hold of it.
An add on was a mention of the colourful man Dave Milham who kicked Isfield off. A very funny,dodgy articulate, charasmatic 'geezer'who I thoroughly liked unlike some others!! His version, one of many stories I could relay,of the day of the auction of the derelict Isfield stn, he'd gone along with his wife just to have a day out, and no purpose to buy.He said to her, what price would you pay for it?and she said whimsically £50000? When the bidding reached that figure, he said, 'well, go on then', she put her hand up in a reactionary way, and to her relief was outbid for £50500, 'one more' he said, and one very run down stn, and a mile of track was owned. Dave and his family sat in the 'Fish' pub next door, and with glazed expressions they all said 'what the f*^~*"g hell are we going to do now? Build houses? Wait and sell it as an investment? Live there? His son said turn it into a preserved railway? Even though Dave knew nothing about railways local history was born. A locomotive from Turkey , and a pullman coach were bought amongst other artefacts.Unfortunately not with us anymore, I miss his character. Regards again Rich
Thoroughly enjoyed your treks on Uckfield&Sheffield Park lines to Lewes. How you managed to commentate on minimal points of viewpoints,and not annoy the viewer is incredibly hard, so 'amazingly' well done you.A couple of updates if you didnt know already. The BR enamel at Barcombe Mills I've looked at for over thirty years has now been 'taken' sadly. There was a signal box where you mentioned some sleepers with chairs at same station,and there was an auction in the early 90's of the land south of Isfield, and bought by residence to stop any extension £20,000, I believe was the price. Thanks again Chris for capturing moments in time and places, that will be precious in the future. Best regards Rich
I watched some of your Dvd's and loved them.I also you should come to Portsmouth and exlore wymering manor and the Hilsea lines.The hilsea lines are completely derelict and wymering manor is haunted although A trust owns it now I would recommend you ask there premison first,also we have sevral great Railway stations
I watched your west pier DVD brilliant I think you should go to the hilsea lines In portsmouth if you arrive at cosham station you will love it
Thank you for the excellent DVD on the BW to Botley line. I just remember standing at the closed crossing gates waiting for the train to pass in the late 50's early 60's. My grandmother travelled to London as a passenger before 1933. You'll be pleased to know that the local Museum currently has a two week exhibition on the BW line and it's effect on BW. The crossing gates were removed for restoration and painting for the 150th anniversary but unfortunately have not been replaced yet. I will let others know about the DVD as I am sure there will be more people interested. Such a shame parts are now private and the line cannot be followed all the way to Botley, there is a local group hoping to do something about this.
Old Blackgang Road I have just watched the DVD which I bought as I tried to find a way in but failed, whilst on holiday last week!! This great DVD is the next best thing and found it a very honest and informitive account of exploring the tricky terrain of this abandoned road and village. Thanks Dumpman
Bishops Waltham to Botley: This DVD was extremely interesting to view and most enjoyable, many thanks. The crossing gates you mentioned have been restored and are about to be put back. We have recognised the 150 year anniversary locally. Last week we had a talk on the history of the line and it's importance to Bishop's Waltham with over 100 locals crammed into the Church hall. On Saturday, 150 years to the day of the Railway's opening an exhibition commenced at our local volunteer Museum. Thanks again.
Hi, I purchased the above dvd from you off ebay. The dvd is as i expected, i am a big fan of the 'Old Road' that ran between Brockenhurst & West Moors so found it quite interesting.
I have just watched your DVD tracing the old route of the A23 and I just wanted to let you know how utterly fantastic and enjoyable I found it! Really entertaining,it has inspired me to get out and look myself at some old sections of the road.
Thanks ever so much for the Blackgang to Niton Road DVD. DVD was great as always. Highly recommend it.
Hiya Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed your DVDs - wish I had had a recorder when my husband and I, who were 'courting' at the time, went up on the top of the turrets of Hassocks tunnel and watched and felt the trains rumble beneath us. That was in the late 60's! I was brought up in Freshfield Road, Brighton and used to hear the trains from the goods yard at the bottom of the road, underground. My forte is Brighton, I research the 100's of postcards i have. I did manage the tour of the west pier, but again without camera, so appreciated DVD. Will be ordering some other DVDs soon. Thanks again. C.
Just received DVD Shanklin to Ventnor and spend a totally fascinated hour watching it. Actualy I've now watched it 3 times and found it just as interesting the third time round. A brilliant concept, beautifully videod and with a very informed commentary. Many thanks
Please can you pass on my thanks to Dumpman for his dvd of the Newport to Cowes railway which he enclosed. We watched it last night - absolutely brilliant. If he doesn't mind I will pass it on to a couple of friends to view.
Thanks for the DVD, Interesting and some really fantastic places on the sample disc, Like your Chopper my partners Dad worked at Raleigh for years and would have worked on them and many other cool bikes. PS Many disused Railways in Nottingham 😎 Cheers MR D
The ventor west to merstone was very enjoyable, especially the godshill section. Its good to see the old platform as I remember it though no grass in those days. I spent many a happy school hols down there and sat on that platform dangling my legs just watching the world go by. Thanks.
Just to let you know that your Princetown to Yelverton DVDs went down a storm with my mum yesterday. she was really impressed by it.
hi we really enjoyed your website we are thirsty for more so will have to save our pennies , i was bought up in HH and knew none of this , i home ed my daughter and have to say a big thanks for your historic guide its unbeatable x